For a lot of people, summer includes a delicious piece of watermelon. It is refreshing, healthy and often not too expensive. But what is the best way to store that watermelon?
Watermelons stored at room temperature contain more antioxidants than chilled melons, according to a study by U.S. Department of Agriculture. In addition, a watermelon also keeps longer if you don't store it in the fridge. Regular melons, on the other hand, are better stored in the fridge. A whole watermelon stays good at room temperature for two to three weeks on average, as opposed to just one week in the fridge. How long you can store a watermelon also depends on how ripe it is when you buy it. You can also store a piece of watermelon for less time than a whole one. A cut watermelon is therefore better kept in the fridge and covered with foil. Also, a delicious piece of watermelon is often best when it is a bit cold. In the freezer, watermelon can be kept for up to 12 months at -18°C minimum. When freezing watermelon, first remove the skin and cut into pieces. Freeze in a sealed container or plastic bag.
(FVDV for Tagtik/Illustration picture: Unsplash)
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