Make these delicious breaded brioches for breakfast or as a snack ! Fill them with your favorite jam !
Put the flour + salt + sugar in the kneader. Add the butter + egg. Make a hole and put the fresh yeast in it.
Warm up the milk a little bit and add it in the bowl. Knead at speed 2 during about 3-5 minutes. Form a ball and cover with a cloth. Leave to rest during 2 hours at room temperature.
Form a ball with the dough and divide it in 8 balls (about 120 gr each). Flatten the balls with a rolling pin. Spread some jam on it and roll the dough.
Cut it in 2 vertically. Make a cross with it and bring together the extremities.
Cross the left part upward and the right part downward.
Cross the two down parts and the two up parts.
Twist then fold the two parts in the center of the brioche, folding one to the left and the other to the right.
Put the brioches on a baking sheet and leave to rest during one hour at room temperature. Bake 15 minutes at 350°F (180°C).
Your breaded brioches with apricot jam are ready!